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Meet Quiet But Smiling Sanju,

The Purnaa Team

Updated: Oct 17, 2019

Sanju is quite shy but very loyal and hardworking. Giving this interview was not easy for her, but she was happy for you to get to know her a bit better!

Congratulations, you won the employee of the month award! How did you feel when you found out that you won? I was very surprised.

Do you know why you were selected?

Very reliable and trustworthy, clean work, good attitude

We want to get to know you a little bit better. Can you tell us about your family?

I have a 16 yr old daughter and a 20 yr old son. I’ve lived here in Kathmandu for 13 years.

If you only had a couple words to describe yourself, what would they be?

Quiet and Smiling

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to clean the house (though it always seems to be messy again by the time I go to leave), and to hang out with some friends. I also really like to watch the t.v. serial Kum Kam Bhayga. I really like the character of Pragya. She has a good attitude about life.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

The way they take care of the staff and the safe work environment. Also at Purnaa, they teach and give good, on-going, on-the-job training.

What is different about Purnaa from other places you have worked?

There is not discrimination here. At my previous job at another garment factory, there were many Indian men who would harass us. We didn’t feel safe with them. And at salary time the bosses wouldn’t pay on time or would pay less than they said. Here I feel safe and we are paid on time and a good salary.

What dreams do you have for the future?

Before, I had a dream to have a tailoring shop so that I could work and earn enough to keep my kids with me. But now, even though I am not running a small tailoring shop, because of my job at Purnaa, I am able to provide for my children and have them live with me. Part of my dream is already come true.


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