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Why are fashion brands failing at sustainability and social impact? Common mistakes and how to prevent them, with THR3EFOLD

hannah badminton

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

Ever wondered how sustainability is incorporated by fashion brands, how they develop communication strategies and sustainability pledges and whether these ACTUALLY improve the world?

Join our conversation with Jessica Kelly, a sustainability expert and founder of THR3EFOLD, to learn about the most common mistakes made in fashion sustainability and social impact and how to avoid them.

Woman and man stand in front of piles of cotton fibre in front of factory

Jessica, a FORBES featured founder and dynamic international speaker, leverages over a decade of experience to supercharge the fashion industry's environmental and social impact on people. Inspired by the transformative power of ethical factories in India, she founded THR3EFOLD, a sustainability creative agency. THR3EFOLD assists fashion businesses in humanizing their sustainability through ethical sourcing, quality content, and storytelling, transforming impact efforts into compelling messages that prompt customer action.

Jessica sheds light on four major failures in fashion sustainability, offering insightful case studies that provide practical guidance to ensure the success of sustainability initiatives in your brand.

Creating unachievable sustainability targets

Numerous fashion brands have set ambitious goals such as eradicating plastic consumption or achieving 100% carbon neutrality. While these aspirations are commendable, they often prove challenging, leading to a disconnect with consumers. Jessica emphasizes the importance of setting realistic targets.

Untransparent progress reporting on environmental and social impact

Well-intentioned sustainability claims can sometimes fall into the trap of greenwashing, potentially raising doubts among consumers. Jessica advocates for transparency, urging brands to openly share both successes and failures. Drawing inspiration from sustainability leaders like Ganni and Mara Hoffman, she highlights the authenticity that resonates with consumers.

Balancing planet and people

Sustainability should encompass both environmental and social considerations. Jessica explains that environmental efforts don't always translate into positive social impact in the fashion industry. The conversation expands on the holistic nature of sustainability and the need to address both planet and people.

Ineffective communication with customers

Siloed fashion communication teams can unintentionally hinder the effectiveness of sustainability messages. Jessica introduces the concept of "humanizing sustainability," exploring how fashion brands can unite teams to better understand customers and identify sustainability information that resonates with them.

THR3EFOLD's commitment to impactful sustainability strategies serves as a beacon for the industry, offering valuable lessons for brands aiming to weave social impact seamlessly into their fashion journey. To hear more strategy, tips and insights check out our video with Jessica and others in our series. 

Check out our interview with Jessica along with the rest of the Spotlight Series here

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